Medical Conditions
Having a choice of Life Insurance offers is the key to getting the best price and cover. have arranged thousands of life insurance policies for our clients.
We search the market for the best product and the best rates for you. Sometimes the search is extended beyond product features and price, to a focus on getting cover for you, where cover has been declined by insurers on medical grounds.
The vast majority of our life insurance applications are accepted at ordinary rates and no medical is required by the Insurer. The acceptance is based on the infromation you provide in your application and as you would expect, it is extremely important that this information is true amd complete.
In some cisrcumstances, Life insurance applicants may have a significant existing medical condition and insurers will make further enquiries of you and possibly your doctor to understand the risks associated with your condition.
Where a life insurance company is not satisfied with the risk, they may decline or pospone offering cover until furrher infromation is available or the results of some future tests are known.
In most instances we are able to arrange cover.
Cover in these circumstances is often provided on a loading basis and each case is treated on its own merits. As you would expect, cover depends on the severity of the condition and how well it is managed.
Examples of medical conditions where loading may apply include:
- Asthma
- Heart disease
- Blood pressure
- Back problems
- Irritable bowel Syndrome
- Breast lump or cyst
- Cancer
- Kidney disorders
- High Cholesterol
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Coeliac Disease
- Osteoarthritis
- Crohn's disease
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Epilepsy
- Colitis
In some cases cover rmay not be avaialble. Most life insurance policies are used as security for a mortgage ( Mortgage protection policies). In cases where life insurance is not available, a lender may decline to offer a mortgage facility. Where the mortgage is in joint names, lenders may be satisfied with taking security on one party only.