Customer Charter

08 December 2016
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Our aim is provide you with the best customer experience available in Ireland, when buying Life Insurance.

Our objective is to provide you with independent advice in choosing protection products to look after you and your family. We are committed to providing you with clear information, the cheapest life insurance products and most importantly, products that meet your unique needs. will deliver a quality service with courtesy, sensitivity and professionalism.

Telephone Enquiries

  • Our LoCall number is 1850 320 920. Our international number is 00353 18327250. Our fax number is 003531 8327273
  • We will answer your call as promptly as possible – our aim is to answer all calls within 15 seconds.
  • We will identify ourselves and our area of work.
  • We will be helpful and courteous at all times and provide you with as much information as possible.
  • If we cannot deal with your query immediately, we will take your details and call you back at a time which suits you.

Written Correspondence

  • We will revert to you within 1 working day in regard to online applications or queries.
  • If we are unable to contact you by phone we will send an email to the effect that we tried to get in touch.
  • We will delete your enquiry details if we are unable to contact you within a reasonable time frame.
  • We will ensure that all correspondence contains a contact name, telephone number (including lo-call number, if available), reference number (where appropriate), fax number and email address.

Personal Callers and Meetings

  • All visitors to our offices will be treated with respect and courtesy,
  • All callers who have appointments will be received promptly once staff are informed of their arrival.
  • We will do our best to accommodate you if you don't have an appointment.
  • Most meetings are held outside the office at a mutually agreed location. We will arrange appropriate facilities for meetings and ensure that the environment is safe, clean and accessible.
  • We will arrive punctually for all meetings


  • We will endeavor to provide our customers with clear, accurate, comprehensive and up-to-date information on life insurance products.
  • We will use clear simple language in the design of our application forms and information leaflets.
  • We will provide comprehensive explanatory material/guidelines, as appropriate.
  • Our websites will be up-to-date, relevant, user friendly and accessible to all our customers.


Our fees are generally paid by our product producers in the form of commission. Our service is provided on the basis of a fair analysis of the market and our Life Insurance partners account for the vast bulk of Life Insurance business written in Ireland.

You have the option to pay for our service if full by way of a fee.

If a fee is payable in respect of a particular transaction we will agree such fees in writing with you in advance of undertaking such work.

Complaints Procedure

  • If you are unhappy with the quality of service you have received, you have the right to complain.
  • If it is not possible to resolve the complaint with the staff member with whom you have been dealing, you can address your complaint to the Complaints Officer.
  • All complaints will be dealt with properly, fairly and impartially. If your complaint is upheld and/or we have made a mistake we will rectify the mistake, and furnish you with an explanation and an apology.
  • If you remain dissatisfied, we will inform you of your further right to bring the matter before the Financial service Ombudsman.