Don't wait to long to take out your income protection policy
We like to keep in constant contact with our customers, to be there to check that their protection needs are been adequately met, as life events unfold. In addition we take the opportunity to review their mortgage obligations to ensure thay are getting the best market value.
We recently wrote to many of our income protection customers in order to review their needs in the light of life changes. One of the biggest surprises was how much more the current quotes were compared to when they started their policy.
Income protection is an extremely important protection product. The policy is designed to ensure you can get up to 75% of your normal income if you are unable to work due to illness.Unlike a serious illness policy, the illness may not be life threatening but if you cannot work due to the illness you could well have a valid claim on the policy. Income protection premiums are tax deductibe at your marginal rate of income tax.
You can take out either a single policy in your own name or perhaps your employer will assist in arranging a group policy.Talk to us about the benefits of income protection.